Friday, September 20, 2013

You are beautiful!

All the art classes have been working on developing skills to complete a self portrait. The first, second, and third grades are completing a "bubble gum self portrait drawing and watercolor alphabet painting. The fourth and fifth grades completed a cowboy/ cowgirl wanted watercolor poster and a "What's my name" drawing. 

I especially enjoyed facilitating and instructing the students as the worked on all of the art projects. I got a bird's eye view of how the children see themselves every day. 

Self esteem is a precious gift. If I can get my students to see their worth, I've done my job. I am beautiful, strong, and smart, and I am worthy to be loved - is my mantra. Do you have a mantra? When you look in the mirror what do you see? Let me know. Y'all come back now! 

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