Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Laughter is the best medicine.

I've been home from work due to illness. Lying in my bed has allowed my to focus on myself - quiet the body, and quiet the mind. Over these two days I've been rekindling "my favorite things to do" in my mind. 

Music and Art have always been my first loves, and my favorite is drawing cartoons. Here is my latest "Snoopy" creation. 

How many times have you laughed today?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What would Mozart do?

For the last 2 weeks in October, the middle school students were engaged in group work activities. Each class was divided into four groups, and the groups rotated throughout four Mozart inspired activities: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart biography creates on the computer using Microsoft PowerPoint, rhythm & dance check ups with the beats of Pomp & Curcumstance and The Conga, mozart's father's Instagram drawing, and a Fall scene in Austria.

Of course the students were just as excited to start each Music class, and the students enthusiacally cycled through the stations every class day. A nonformal poll resulted in a concensus of the Austrian Fall painting and Leopold Mozart's Instagram being the favorite of the music classes.

Art class rocks

Initially this project started out as "pet rocks," but then I thought of a wonderful way to bring the outdoors inside - so we made a class rock garden. The rocks rested peacefully on the art class window sill, and the students enjoyed visiting the "people inspired" rocks whenever they came to class.

I believe nature is art, so combining the two gets me as close to heaven as one person can get on earth - just beautiful. Do you see art in nature? If so, Please let me know. Y'all come back now!

Fall into Autumn

Leaves are falling from the trees, and people and animals are preparing for the Harvest. We are fully enthralled in this month's theme "Autumn."  Our latest projects include a 3d Harvest Cornecopia and fall leaf drawings. 

"We love art class" was the refrain from my 4th grade class students today, and hearing how much they enjoy my art class just warms my heart. I love art class too!